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CQ 160m contest CW

Well after several years in SO category we decided to run in multi.

Jan OM2IB and Milan OM2KI who ran last couple of years as OM2Y joined us and we put up 5 bevs and 2 broadside bevs for NA. For TX side we had 2xhalf sloper from our 40m towers. Propagation was pretty poor First night we logged 130 NA of total 220.

Second night was almost closed to NA just a small opening at our sunrise and we logged couple of new states. We finished with similar result as S50C and OK7K congrats goes to them and very nice result from OK5Z who shined this year. Sunday evening we logged 4xVK, DU,YB, couple of JA’s but generally participation was poor.

Hope to be better next year. Thanks for calling us!

Lubo,OM5ZW on behalf OM7M team